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Monday 12 April 2010

Anyone For A Slumber Party??

What makes a slasher film great? Lots of blood? Naked girls? A silent deranged killer? A suburban setting? A cast of unknowns? Comedy? Low budget, bad acting and bad lighting etc?

If you had a movie in mind that ticked all those boxes I wonder if it was the same one I was thinking of??

The Slumberparty Massacre from 1982 ticks all the boxes for me.

"He`s Dressed To Thrill"

The concept of an escaped driller killer on the loose and heading back to his old town is classic slasher fare and his choice of weapon being a power tool will equal buckets of blood and unique killings however, I feel that writer Rita Mae Browns script (which was written as a satire of the slasher genre and rejected by the studio bosses who wanted to play it serious) sets this movie apart from the likes of Friday 13th, Halloween, Black Christmas, etc as the writing seems very Hitchcockian in a way. The suspense is mounted, the comedy is in abundance and the pace of the film is very slow, yet not dragged out. I mean, it only runs for 77 minutes but it does feel more like 2 hours.

"He`s A Driller Queen!!"

I`m not saying that the film is a great work of art and should stand with Psycho as a testament of how a horror film should be made as it`s not a great movie!

"I Love You, I`m Behind You"

The budget was relatively small (check), the cast were all unknowns (check) the acting is not great (check) and the script (even though written intentionally that way) is very cheesy and wooden however, everyone involved does exactly what they need to do to make this movie a very enjoyable and slightly different take on the slasher genre.

"Do You Reckon This Milk Will Be Off?"

With any slasher movie and especially this one, I don`t feel any need to add a synopsis or plot summary as you know the score already but if you`re looking for something that stands out from the rest here`s something to whet your appetite!!

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