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Friday, 16 April 2010

No School Like The Old School

I`m getting a bit sick and bored of the emo and American influence on the modern day psychobilly look. I`d like it if the style went back to the old days of DMs, Creepers, Bleachers, Cut Off Vests/Wifebeaters, proper vintage hand me down Levi`s, painted leather biker jackets, ripped up to fuck band tees and the like! I mean, even dungarees have had a comeback in womens fashion recently so why the hell shouldn`t the new (de)generation of psycho kids embrace their musics fashion history??

There`s nothing wrong with a band tee, jeans and creepers/boots etc but brands such as Lucky 13, Liquor Brand, Kreepsville etc are just too high priced and too be honest are not a true reflection of the style. Old school psychos wore hand me downs or made do with the clothes they already had from their past styles like scooter boys, punks, skins etc and evolved these looks by mixing other styles like rock and roll, teddy boy, rockabilly etc on the cheap.

Psychobilly has never been about being told what to do or what to wear so why should it be now?? Kids, I`m not telling you what to do here btw, it`s just a suggestion, go back and look at old psycho pics (like the ones below) and take some inspiration. I gauarantee you will turn heads on the street!!

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